Returns + Exchanges


We want you to love your purchase and we take great care to make sure all the products we ship are in perfect condition. We offer refunds for unwashed, unworn and unused items. We expect returned merchandise to be in the same condition as it was when you received it, must be in the original packaging and have all tags and branding attached.  Items purchased online can be returned as long as you have started your return process within 14 days of purchasing. 

Please note that shipping charges cannot be refunded. Items purchased online may also be returned in store at Amy Boutique in Holladay, Utah as long as they are within our policy window. 

4670 S Holladay Village Plaza #103, Holladay, UT 84117

If you love your item but need a different size, no problem. Exchange requests must be received within 14 days of purchase. 

Some items are exempt from returns such as candy, bath and body or personal care products and sale items. 

If you have any questions please email